Property Damage Attorney
In addition to personal injury, motor vehicle accident victims also need to deal with property damage. Who pays for repairs and what are your rights? If the insurance company is giving you confusing answers, talk to your personal injury lawyer about car wreck property damage insurance claims.
Do you have property damage from a car accident? Our office can help. 337-534-4043
At the firm of St.Pe’ Law in Louisiana, we make sure our personal injury clients understand their rights in dealing with car wreck property damage.
- Who pays my property damage? If the car accident was not your fault, you can collect from the person who hit you and his or her insurance company. No matter who was at fault, you can collect from your own policy if it has collision coverage. If you pay a deductible, you can recover this from the at-fault driver.
- Who selects the body shop? You are entitled to your own damage estimate and choice of repair shop following a car wreck.
- Can I request original equipment manufactured parts, or am I forced to use after market crashed parts to repair my vehicle? It is our opinion that you can request original replacement parts. Some insurance companies require cheaper, lesser quality parts. Depending on the language of your policy, you should be able to require parts manufactured by the maker of your car.
- How long does it take to settle my property damage? By law, the insurance company must settle your property damage within thirty days after notice of your loss.
- What do I get for my car if it is totaled? You will probably receive NADA book value. You may be able to get slightly more than book value if you can document recent repairs or improvements to your vehicle.
- Can I get a rental car? If you have rental reimbursement, your insurance pays for a rental car. If you do not, the person who hit you may still be liable for a rental car, since you lost the use of your own vehicle.
If you had property damage in a car accident, talk to us about it. We can help you understand the laws and your rights. You do not have to go through this alone.